The Bible Experience Complete Torrent
Through his otherworldly journeys, Cayce learned the true interpretation of the Bible. According to Cayce, the Bible is the symbolic account of the fall of the human soul from its divine origins (as symbolically described in the Book of Genesis) and restoration of the human soul to heaven (as symbolically described in the Book of Revelation). In other words, Genesis is the symbolic testimony of humanity's fall from heaven and paradise lost. Revelation is the symbolic testimony of humanity's restoration to heaven and paradise regained.
The Bible Experience: New Testament Audio CD is a fully-dramatized reading of the complete Bible performed by an unprecedented ensemble of distinguished African-American actors, musicians, and personalities. Inspired by the Bible Experience: The Complete Bible [Various/Full Cast] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Now on eight MP3 CDs, the most ambitious, critically acclaimed presentation of the Bible ever produced. Inspired By The Bible Experience features a star-studded cast of 400 performers.
In the Book of Revelation, John records a vision he experiences, probably while dreaming or meditating. This vision contains a tremendous amount of symbolism; the same kind of symbolism one would see in a dream, a vision of the spirit world. In fact, the Book of Revelation contains the same symbolism found in the symbols in the Prophet Daniel's dream. All Biblical dreams, such as those of Joseph, Gideon, Daniel, Paul, and Peter, are very symbolic and therefore had a hidden spiritual meaning rather than a literal interpretation of the symbols. Such is the case with the Book of Revelation.
During several of Cayce's journeys into the spirit realms, he was able to unlock the secrets to the symbolism in the Book of Revelation. He gave a large amount of information specifically for the purpose of discovering the book's hidden meaning.
The Bible Experience Download
Cayce described the true nature between humanity and God. Cayce revealed that humans have three different dimensions of human awareness: the conscious mind (personality), the subconscious mind (soul) and the superconscious mind (spirit). An important goal in everyone's life is to awaken our superconscious mind to attain what Cayce called 'at-onement' with God.Street fighter iv fightstick te driver.
The superconscious mind is called by many names by many religions in many different cultures. Some of these names are: Buddha consciousness, Christ consciousness, the Collective Mind, the Universal Mind, the Collective Unconsciousness, the Holy Spirit, Brahman, God, the Clear White Light, Allah, Higher Self, the Mind of Christ, etc.
Cayce's references to the Christ, the Christ consciousness and the Mind of Christ, has little to do with the personality known as Jesus. Cayce revealed how Jesus became the Christ -- a full manifestation of the Christ consciousness -- the perfect union of the human with the divine. It is God's desire for all of humanity to attain 'Christhood' (or 'Buddhahood' if you live in the East). Such an 'enlighterned' condition will truly bring the Kingdom of God to this world. Cayce revealed the Book of Revelation is the symbolic story of how humanity in general (and a human being in particular) attains this union with the divine.
The Bible Experience Complete Torrent Free
Cayce's dream interpretation of the Book of Revelation can be contained in a book all by itself. In fact, a whole book has been written about Cayce's interpretation of Revelation. It is entitled Edgar Cayce's Commentary on the Revelation. There is also a video on this subject from the A.R.E. Foundation (the Cayce organization).
What follows is a very brief summary of the information he received.