Sixtyforce Mac Serial Number

  1. Sixtyforce Mac Serial Number
  2. Mac Serial Lookup

Once you identified your part, you can request technical support or warranty replacement.
If you do not have physical access to the product, you can scan the information by using the Intel® System Support Utility

Depending on the product, you can find your serial number: On the surface of your product. In iTunes, if your product syncs with iTunes. On a Mac, by choosing About This Mac from the Apple menu.

Intel® NUC, Intel® Compute Cards, Intel® Compute Sticks, and Intel® Desktop BoardsSixtyforce mac serial number identification

Sixtyforce Mac Serial Number

Find your part number (PN), stocking ID, or serial number (SN) for the products below:

Intel® Solid State Drives and Modules

Find your part number (PN), stocking ID, or serial number (SN) for Intel® Solid State Drives.

Intel® Boxed Processors and Fan Parts

Find your batch number (FPO-Finished Process Order) and Serial number (ATPO- Assembly Test Process Order) for Intel® Boxed Processors and Fan Part.

Intel® Server Products

Find your part number (PN), stocking ID, or serial number (SN) for Intel® Server Products.
See also the User Guide for Intel System Information Retrieval Utility (Sysinfo).

Mac Serial Lookup

Intel® Networking Products

To find your part number (PN), stocking ID, or serial number (SN) for Intel® Networking Products, see the example below.

The Serial Number is a combination of the MAC Address and Part Number.


  • Use the bolded portion of the MAC address (ignore the first six numbers): 001B215CFD4C
  • Include the manufacturing information: 090AC
  • Plus, the bolded portion of the Part Number, eliminating the dash) E68785-000
  • The combination of these three bolded numbers equals the Serial Number: 5CFD4C090ACE68785000

Related information: Product Label Description for Intel® Ethernet Adapters

Sixtyforce mac serial numberCommon errors to avoid when recording your Intel® product markings Serial numbers include both numbers and uppercase letters. It's easy to misread the following numbers and letters.
0ONumeral 0 (zero) and uppercase letter O
1INumeral 1 and uppercase letter I (eye)
8BNumeral 8 and uppercase letter B
65Numeral 6 and numeral 5
2ZNumeral 2 and uppercase letter Z
VUUpper-case letter V and uppercase letter U
IlUpper-case letter I (eye) and lowercase letter l (el)1

1 Lowercase letters are never used in serial numbers. Only numbers and uppercase letters are used.


Contact Intel Customer Support if you don't recognize your Intel product serial number or part number.